Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kundalini Yoga Retreat in Bali 09

A sight to behold, lush rice padi field, flags dancing in the air and lush greenery the next 4 days. Birds chirping and water streams flowing was the order of the day :)

Some waiting for the class to start eagerly, hmm while i am mesmerized by the landscape outside and at last the class does begin with the sun rays penetrating into the hall and our bodies :)

Now its a temple tour that we are heading and its during Diwali
As we are ready to go they tie the sarong for us and we are fully geared for a memorable experience

Night sessions are really cool, i mean the air, the sounds and of course the love and support we get from each other and we move through the night to the morning sadahana session which was simply magical transported back from time and space

From night to morning
"Simply Magical "

Meditation and Repose areas in the retreat :)

Pranayama Session, and Yoga Hall

Now its Makan( Food) Time

Nasi Champur, Tempeh , Fruit juices and sweet sticky desserts are order of the day

TO the question how was the REtreat the answer was unanimous

Till the next time , have a blessed journey

1 comment:

Dan said...

during my recent visit to India, I attend a 3 days session of art of living in Bangalore. all the three days, I didn't see any difference but on a friend of mine's saying, I kept the techniques continued and after a month and half, I could see difference. I feel very active and have been doing it regularly. Good that I'm seeing a blog for the first time maintained by an art of living teacher. I'm curious to attend meditation again in the pgm for which I received a slot booked by my brother scheduled for this month. hope to see equally good results.