Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Charity Yoga n Med Retreat Feb 2011b.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x1142 pixels) - Scaled (41%)
Kundalini Yoga Retreat in Bali 09
Some waiting for the class to start eagerly, hmm while i am mesmerized by the landscape outside and at last the class does begin with the sun
Now its a temple tour that we are heading and its during Diwali
As we are ready to go they tie the sarong for us and we are fully geared for a memorable experience
Night sessions are really cool, i mean the air, the sounds and of course the love and support we get from each other and we move through the night to the morning sadahana session which was simply magical transported back from time and space
From night to morning
"Simply Magical "
Meditation and Repose areas in the retreat :)
Pranayama Session, and Yoga Hall
Now its Makan( Food) Time
Nasi Champur, Tempeh , Fruit juices and sweet sticky desserts are order of the day
TO the question how was the REtreat the answer was unanimous
Till the next time , have a blessed journey
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bali Yoga Retreat Oct 09
The Yoga Retreat what’s included and Highlights :
1. Air Ticket from Singapore-Bali with all transport transfer
2. Staying in a peaceful, lush resort surrounded by amazing padi fields
3. 8 yoga sessions(total) with *Healing/Blessing sessions daily
4. *Sodorshan Chakra Kriya,(mother of all Kriya) most powerful Kriya for transformation
5. *Visit to the Holy Mt Batukaru
6. Sunrise/sunset walks to Padi Field and neighboring village
7. *Delicious Organic and semi organic food during the retreat for further purification
8. Energy matters discussions and practices
9. Half Day to
*Benefits of Sodharshan Chakra Kriya:
The kriya gives you Nao Niddhi (the nine precious virtues) and Artha Siddhi (intuitive abilities). These 27 facets contain all of human life and in acquiring them you perfect all that can be perfected in a human. This kriya, though, is equally valuable and very effective in dissolving the blockages (granthis) caused by frozen emotional debris in the nadis (the channels for the movement of Kundalini Energy) and as the channels are purified greater flow of kundalini is facilitated allowing for the chakras (energy vortexes) to be activated and balanced.
Venue in
Far away from the busy tourist centers of Bali, lies the Health Resort in the mountains of
US550 or equiv. per person
Yoga and accommodation( make own flight arrangements)
*S$1150 per person all incl.
(subject to price changes as per flight rates)
Contact Info : Adam Fazlur @ 91055596 or email adamfaz@gmail.com
Previous Retreats of India, Nepal, Bali and Singapore can be viewed in old enteries of this blog fyi
Outline of the Bali Retreat will be posted in the next entry .
Bali Adventure 2
There was Art of Living Teachers' meet in Bali Grand Inna, our international counterparts were there and we had a fruitful time exchanging ideas and inspiring each other to make this world a better place. Besides photo shoots, we did get some work do
Bali Adventure 1
The Back alleys of Seminyak and Padi Fields in the East of Bali are a vast contrast and ad
Bound Lotus Retreat in Aloha Changi
Healing Circle a
Sentosa Retreat and White Yoga
After this session they wanted me to do a glamour pose, this is the best i could come up with !